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  4. Design Modifiers
  5. Clump


Used to group the hair strands together.

Widthwidth of the clump (similar to the scatter modifier)
Depthdepth of the clump (similar to the scatter modifier)
Width Densitythe number of clump strands in each unit of the width. (for example, if “width=2” and “width density=10” then, we will have 20 clump strands in width.
Depth Densitythe number of clump strands in each unit of the width. (for example, if “depth=2” and “depth density=10” then, we will have 20 clump strands in depth.
Width randomnessthe randomness of the position of the hairs in width.
Depth randomnessthe randomness of the position of the hairs in depth.
Translate XMove the clump strands in the X direction
Translate Y Move the clump strands in the Y direction
seedrandomness seed of the generating the clump strands.
strengthlevel of clump impact
strength randomnessset random value for strength
strength curveAdjust the strength by curve (linearly and nonlinearly from the root to tip)
fly awayHair strands escaped from the clump
seedrandomness seed of the applying clump modifier to hair strands.
  • The dice icon in front of some properties creates random value. (by clicking on it)
  • When the clump modifier is selected and you add another modifier, it will be placed under the clump and will directly affect the clump strands.
  • You can drag and drop other modifiers inside/outside of the clump. modifiers inside the clump will just affect the clump strands.

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